Travel scholarship will be available for scientists and nutrition-advocacy professionals from middle and low-income countries to attend the 20th ICN.
Thanks to exceptionally generous donors, the 20th ICN Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the availability of generous scholarships granted specifically to scientists and professionals living and working in developing countries (as defined on the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) website pages 173-174). These grants will cover the full cost of the airfare, registration, and 5 hotel nights.
Eligibility will be based on one of two conditions:
1. Scientific Merit of Abstracts received by the Secretariat by February 3, 2013. Successful applicants will be notified in April.
2. Recognized scientists and nutrition-advocacy professionals who are living and working in developing countries may apply or may nominate a candidate(s). Selection will be based on the degree to which the candidate's professional position, history as a leader in advocating nutrition, and experience as an educator in the field prepare him/her to effectively report on information presented at the 20th ICN 2013 Congress to colleagues, students, and health advocates in the home country. Please submit a one-page memo indicating your qualifications (or those of the candidate you are nominating) as a recognized scientist or professional involved in nutrition, along with a curriculum vitae and 2 references (names and contact information only).
Applications should be sent by email to:, before March 31st, 2013.
If on the other hand you would like to contribute to the scholarship programme
...It is as easy as clicking on the form below (Donate Now).
Thank you very much for your contribution!
Donate Now!